What is hospice care?
Hospice is care for patients and family to help bear the medical, social and spiritual concerns of end of life. A key difference from a hospital setting is that with hospice care, a medical team diagnoses patients’ symptoms and administers treatment. Above all, hospice helps patients to live their remaining days with dignity, comfort and control. The hospice team gives choices to patients, and the team supports their choices.
Ohio’s Hospice Loving Care encourages family involvement in tandem with that of the patient’s. While decisions belong to the patient, staff members welcome questions and discussion with the family.
Who is eligible for hospice?
Persons in the grasp of a life-limiting condition and with the authorization of their physician may be referred for hospice services. A physician must be willing to say that if the condition continues to progress death would be expected within six months. This outcome is difficult to predict. At times, the Ohio’s Hospice Loving Care team discharges patients because their situation stabilizes.
Anyone can refer the patient for hospice care evaluation; family member, partner, and if there is not family, a friend.
Where is hospice care provided?
At Ohio’s Hospice Loving Care, we believe hospice care should be provided in the home with familiar surroundings. Home is wherever the patient is living; a private residence, assisted living or a nursing home. Professional staff honors the sanctuary and privacy patients feel in their homes and the importance this plays in patient care. Hospice staff involves patients and family in choices when conditions change. Staff arranges short-term hospitalization if this is necessary.
What are the benefits of hospice care?
- Patients receive care at home from a hospice team, keeping hospital trips to a minimum.
- Patients and family members are part of the decision-making team in partnership with doctors and nurses.
- The hospice medical director is available to assist family physician to keep patients comfortable and manage symptoms.
- A nurse is on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week for assistance, a home visit, information, or advice.
- A support team including a social worker, personal care specialists, volunteers, chaplains, massage therapist, dietician, and nurses provides support for patients.
- Family members and friends have bereavement support for at least 13 months after the death of patients.
Who pays for hospice?
Hospice care is paid for by Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance companies. Ohio’s Hospice Loving Care is a not-for-profit hospice. Staff draws from funds to provide care as the need arises for those unable to pay or without insurance. Private donations of those supporting Ohio’s Hospice Loving Care along with United Way funds, agency fundraisers, and the generosity of local individuals, businesses and organizations combine to create a fund for non-reimbursed care.
What is palliative care?
Our palliative care services are provided by Pure Healthcare, which support patients who are suffering from a chronic illness that involves uncontrolled symptoms. Their condition may or may not be hospice appropriate, so this program allows the patient to seek aggressive and curative care. Visit purehealthcare.org to learn more.
Get to know our interdisciplinary care team!
Hospice care is a holistic approach that addresses the physical, social and spiritual needs of patients. Our interdisciplinary care team is committed to providing the highest possible quality of life for patients. Our hospice team includes the talents and expertise of many to achieve that goal. The team includes:
Physicians: Our doctors are certified specialists in hospice and palliative care. Their expertise is in managing symptoms and developing personalized solutions for patients. They work directly with the primary care physician to address the needs of patients and provide support to families.
Nurse Care Managers: Our nursing staff monitor and address the changing needs of patients and provide education to patients and families. They focus on symptom control and improving quality of life by coordinating a wide range of support to benefit patients and families.
Personal Care Specialists: Our expert team of personal care specialists provides assistance with bathing, dressing, meal preparation, eating, light housekeeping, and more. They are essential to the quality of life our patients enjoy.
Chaplains: Our chaplains deliver spiritual support for patients from a starting point of respect for the personal beliefs of each individual. Our chaplains honor and encourage their faith, joining with personal clergy to reinforce spiritual foundations and religious traditions.
Social Workers: Social workers play a central role in holistic hospice care serving as advocates for patient and family and connecting them with community resources important for quality of life. Social workers help with the emotional impact of grief and bereavement as well as practical concerns such as insurance and Veteran benefits.
Volunteers: Our volunteers receive special training to support patients and provide patient companionship and caregiver relief. They provide a multitude of other services to enhance patient and family care.